Ex-Coinbase CTO Urges ‘Vote For Bitcoin’: Why It Matters | Bitcoinist.com

Balaji Srinivasan, Bitcoin, Bitcoin News, bitcoin price, btc, btc price, coinbase, dxy, US Dollar

In a thought-provoking statement on X (formerly Twitter), Balaji Srinivasan, the former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Coinbase and a notable figure in the venture capital world through his tenure at Andreessen Horowitz, stirred the crypto community and beyond with a bold proclamation: “VOTE FOR BITCOIN.” Srinivasan, leveraging his considerable influence in the tech and […]

Why Is Robert Kiyosaki Saying ‘BYE BYE’ To Bitcoin?

Bitcoin, btcusd, Citibank, Crypto News, ethusd, Robert Kiyosaki, US Dollar

Renowned author Robert Kiyosaki, best known for his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has sparked a debate within the cryptocurrency and financial communities with his recent musings on the future of Bitcoin (BTC) and the US dollar. Kiyosaki’s contemplation arose in response to an announcement by Citibank regarding their foray into blockchain technology. Citibank, a […]